Together We Can Create…

A Safer Washington

  • Increase Police Staffing and Prosecute Criminals: Protecting our communities starts with strong law enforcement. I will ensure our police forces are well-staffed and equipped to maintain law and order. I will also advocate for strict prosecution of criminals to deter crime and keep our streets safe.

  • Combat Violent Crime, Accountability For Retail Crime and Reduce Property Crime: By implementing tough-on-crime policies, we will reduce violent crime, retail crime and property crime, making our neighborhoods safer for families and businesses.

  • Address the Fentanyl Overdose Crisis: The fentanyl crisis is devastating our communities. I will take a hard line against drug traffickers and push for stringent penalties, while also supporting programs that help those struggling with addiction.

An Affordable Washington

  • Cut Burdensome Regulations to Reduce Home Prices and Rent: Excessive regulations drive up the cost of housing. I will fight to cut red tape, making it easier and cheaper to build homes, reducing home prices and rent for everyone. I will actively work to repeal the natural gas ban, a legislative mandate that will cost homeowners $30,000 - $70,000 to convert from natural gas to electricity.

  • End Hidden Gas Taxes: Washingtonians deserve transparency and fairness in taxation. I will work to eliminate hidden gas taxes that unfairly burden consumers and drive up costs at the pump.

  • Lower Food and Insurance Costs: Through deregulation and competition, we will reduce the cost of living. Lowering food and insurance costs will help families keep more of their hard-earned money.

  • Provide Meaningful Tax Relief: High taxes stifle economic growth. I will advocate for significant tax relief to spur investment, create jobs, and allow Washingtonians to keep more of their income.

A Better Future for Washington’s Children

  • Address Learning Loss: Our children’s education has suffered greatly. I will champion policies that get our kids back on track, including school choice and accountability measures to ensure every child receives a quality education.

  • Invest in Special Education: Every child deserves the opportunity to succeed. We will prioritize funding for special education, ensuring that students with unique needs receive the support and resources they require.

  • Strengthen Parent-Teacher Partnerships: Parents should have a say in their children’s education. I will promote policies that enhance parental involvement and strengthen the partnership between parents and teachers, ensuring that educational decisions are made in the best interest of students.